Install the Downloaded Files

Once you have downloaded the integration build ( for your app group, you will need to unzip the file to find two separate zip folders, one for iOS ( and one for Android ( For Android integration you will need to extract the zip folder for Android ( You will get the following three jar files and 1 folder after you unzip the zip file for Android:

- xnotifylib.jar

- gcm.jar

- urlimageviewhelper-1.0.4.jar

- Resources

Add the Resources Folder

The "Resources" folder that was extracted from the Android integration package ( needs to be merged to your project.

To merge resources, go to your project explorer/navigator and do the following:

1) Merge anim folder with your project's res->anim folder if you are using otherwise copy it into res folder.

2) Merge drawable folder with your project's res-> drawable folder if you are using otherwise copy it into res folder.

3) Merge drawable-hdpi folder with your project's res-> drawable-hdpi folder.

4) Merge drawable-mdpi folder with your project's res-> drawable-mdpi folder.

5) Merge drawable-xhdpi folder with your project's res-> drawable-xhdpi.

6) Merge layout folder with your project's res-> layout folder.

7) Merge values folder with your project's res-> values folder.

Add the Required Libraries

In your app project, you must add the following jar files in eclipse before you start the integration:

To add these jar files, go to your project explorer/navigator and do the following:

1) Copy all three downloaded jar files into libs folder.

2) Right click on you Project select property.

3) Select "Java Build Path" from property popup as shown below :

4) Select "Libraries" tab from right side for import all three jar files.

5) Click "Add JARs" button.

6) Select the jar files from you project's libs folder as shown below:

7) Select all three jars into "Order and Export" tab as shown below:

There is no need to add any of these jar files again, if they already exist in your project.

Congratulations! You have added the Xnotify framework to your project successfully.

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